Groom Suit and Groomsmen
So we are going to take a look today at some ways of helping the groom stand out from the rest of the pack but at the same time keeping everything coordinated.This series of blogs takes inspiration from our desire to help all those wedding couples that are in isolation at the moment. We really do hope that ye are doing OK. We would again like to take this moment to commiserate with any of you guys that have had to postpone your wedding. We are hoping that this series of blogs and videos will help to give you guys some help and inspiration for when ourselves and yourselves return to action!
As always in this blog we try to deliver practical, prudent advice that will help ye to make informed decisions and make life easier for ye.
Contrast jacket outfits are extremely popular at the moment in grooms suits and we stock many outfits where the jacket is different to the Waistcoat and trousers.A nice navy Waistcoat and trousers sits effortlessly with so many contrast jackets. There are a few shots below of some combos we have in stock at the moment and so many are based on the navy and blue themes.
One of the simplest ways of tying in the groomsmen is to put a Waistcoat in the same pattern as the grooms jacket on the rest of the party. That way they are in the same overall look but it is just reversed.A very clean loom is achieved and the whole party looks to be in perfect harmony.
Nowadays a lot of our wedding suits suit suppliers offer this coordinated approach to dressing the whole wedding party but it was not always like this. At Tom Murphys we made our name in custom producing waistcoats for groomsmen in the fabric of the jacket when nobody else was doing it. That vision and dedication to perfection served us well even when it was not the norm to style a wedding party with such precision.
We feel that when the 2020/21 wedding season returns to some semblance of normality we will see lots of movement in the direction of coordinated wedding parties with groomsmen wearing the reverse of the groom.

Check Jacket on groom
Buy Gordon Grey Check 3 Piece Suit

Navy suit for groomsmen with Waistcoat matching grooms jacket

Blue Jacket for groom. Watch out for same Waistcoat on groomsmen

Groomsmen in navy suit with grooms suit jacket as waistcoat

Buy Buy Alexander Navy 3 Piece SuitMore stylish grooms suit with the groomsmen set to reverse the look

Buy this one for the groomsmen. Waistcoat already on the groom
Buy Navy 3 Piece with Bobby waistcoat