Magee Suits
The appearance of Bryan McFadden and Keith Duffy on the late late last week raised a few eyebrows when they made known their plans to kick start the new Boyslife tour.It is essentially an amalgamation of the two bands,albeit there is only one member from each former band.
The two lads looked dashing in their tweed ensembles and when Ryan Tubridy asked them where they got the suits they were quick to give Magee a plug.Coincidentally I was once talking to the owner of the Magee shop in Dublin city centre and Ryan Tubridy passed through the doors and the shop owner told me Tubridy shops there regularly).
The fact that Duffy and McFadden were wearing Magee suits points to two things.One is that the former boy band stars are no longer boys but mature men who have left behind their glossy white 3 piece suits and designer leather jacket looks.It also shows that Magee is now a badge of honor for fashionable thirty somethings!